Tag Archives: lemonade

aren’t birthday parties magic

4 Jul

My Little Man’s new favourite topic is birthdays. Every now and then he pipes up and starts to sing the happy birthday song, always ending with a little hooray and putting his hands in the air above his head. He was invited to a birthday party for one of his little friends on the weekend and he had a ball! He is still talking about it. Pictures say more than words so here are some snapshots. How incredibly gorgeous are the mini teacups and teddy cars?

zoo birthday cake

zoo birthday cake

homemade lemonade


catching bubbles

teddy cars and teacups

teddy cars and teacups



homemade lemonade

7 May


I was hoping that today I could report I made a baby, but no…

I can say though that I made lemonade. With 1 part fresh lemon juice, one part sugar syrup (1 cup sugar dissolved in 1 cup of water) and 3 parts chilled soda water. It’s yummy and refreshing and surprisingly not too sweet. It would have been perfect during our long hot summer, but my lemon tree has only just decided to give up her bounty.

… maybe he’s waiting to be a Mother’s day baby?

By the way, if you know me and you live nearby I have a lot of lemons, so please let me know if you want some!

lots of lemons

lots of lemons

Ethan helping to pick lemons

Ethan helping to pick lemons