Tag Archives: coming home

a week old

15 May

glorious sleepy moments

You are one week old today Baby Dean. I have been revelling in the beauty and wonder of your newborn-ness. I am fascinated by all your features, the way you have been designed. You’re so unique and also a gorgeous combination of all of us who came before you.

You have a little head of fair hair, it sticks ups the same way Ethan’s does, little spiky tufts in the middle of your head. You are so, so incredibly soft to touch. Your whole body is covered in tiny soft downy hair that makes you feel silky and beautiful. I want to snuggle into you all the time. You have gorgeous long fingers and toes, so delicate and tiny. You make little O shapes with your mouth and when you open your eyes you focus so intently on the person holding you.

After your birth I spent a couple of days in the hospital to get some rest and to get to know you without the distractions of home life. I am so happy we had that time together. We’ve managed to learn that tricky dance that is breastfeeding and you are a very serene and content little boy during your feeds.

It was so wonderful to come home from the hospital, I felt emotional when I walked into the house and looked into our room and our bed where you were born. I was taken back instantly to the last time I was sitting there and your Daddy handed you to me in your first moments of life. I had the thought that we’ll have to keep that bed forever. I hope I can provide a home for you that is safe and warm and nurturing, that you will grow up to know that you are so protected and loved.

You big brother has been wonderful with you. He asks for ‘baby Dean cuddles’ and is very soft and gentle with you. Though he wasn’t impressed that you were using his favourite blanket so we had to get you another one that is just for you. I hope that you two will grow up to be good friends. It’s only the start of our journey together as a little family and I feel complete.