bag bag

3 May

In a further effort to keep the baby change table area in some kind of order I decided to make a bag to hold my nappy bags. I do try to avoid using plastic bags at the shops, but sometimes I just forget to take my eco ones, and at least if I re-use them for nappy bags rather than throw them straight in the bin it’s not quite as bad. Though still not good, I know! Uuugh the pressure to be green is enormous.

Anyway I had fun sewing this and it was super quick and easy. I just made it up as I went along but there are lots of tutorials online, like this one at basil bush.

bag bag - buttonhole

3 Responses to “bag bag”

  1. marnie May 3, 2011 at 8:55 am #

    Very cute and nesty! Where’d the fabric come from if you don’t mind me asking… Congratulations by the way!!

  2. Leigh @ Toasted May 3, 2011 at 12:02 pm #

    This is great – it sure beats the heck out of the one Alex made out of a plastic bottle (although that one was very quick to make I admit.) I love the material – is it from that same excellent fabric shop you mentioned in your last post?

    Are you cleaning like crazy or has all the nesting come out in this far more sane sewing fashion.

  3. littlepieceofpie May 3, 2011 at 10:47 pm #

    The fabric is from the same shop Calico and Ivy in Mosman Park – have you been? It’s gorgeous. Just across the road there is also a fabulous toy shop called fun, form and function. It’s expensive because it’s all European stuff but nice to go and have a look at!

    I saw this pack of fat quarters that was a set for boys and just bought it because it’s so hard to find nice boy fabric! I never knew what to do with them until now. Something I have been meaning to do but haven’t gotten around to is having my own fabric printed at

    I am on a bit of a cleaning blitz, but random things like reorganising the bathroom cupboards! I have my amazing mum here and she is helping me with laundry and all that boring stuff.

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