Tag Archives: train cake

Choo Choo My Boy is 2!

25 Jun

train cake

I just had to share my boy’s beautiful birthday cake with you. Before you start to think I am some amazing baking extraordinaire super mum (though that would be nice), I have to let you know that I didn’t make the cake. I had my fabulous parents visiting who helped me to prepare a wonderful little party for our Little Man, my Dad made the lovely train.

I can’t believe how excited the kids were over it. They all hovered around singing happy birthday, shouting hooray, and edging each other out of the way to get closer and help blow out the candles. It was very cute.

So thankyou Dad for the lovely cake and thankyou mum for keeping me sane. I will post later some wonderful things that my Little Man’s other grandparents did for him for his birthday.

For now I need to go get some sleep before the bubba needs more nourishment. Saturday nights, oh how you’ve changed!