Winter boredom busters

22 Jun

cornflakes box marble run

Keeping a toddler couped up inside all day is a recipe for madness, mine and his. I am trying to find cheap ways to entertain him while the weather is so inhospitable outside. I saw this on the fabulous blog made by joel and thought it was brilliant, it costs nothing and my Little Man played with it for ages. When he woke up the next morning the first thing he said was ‘play marbles mummy!’

sorting coloured pom poms

We discovered this game by accident. I have a couple of boxes of craft stuff (like pipe cleaners, felt, glue, beads etc…) the boxes were getting unruly so I got it all out to tidy them up. My Little Man found the pom poms on the table and started to say all the colours. I had the plastic silver tray from inside a chocolate box and I gave him a pair of tongs. He picked them up and sorted them into the holes in the tray, he loved it. I can’t believe something so simple kept him so occupied.

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